PAL - Session 1, A success. 13th October '08

Well, today we undertook our first PAL session as bonafide leaders. Things started out slow, but grabbing the bull by the horns worked and we turned things into a really productive session. We did an initial icebreaker where us, the four leaders ended up looking like planks.

We did the whole celebrity on a post it note. But only us, the leaders had to put em on our head. James had 'Father Christmas' Lianne had 'Katy Price' I had some random that I can't even remember and Lewis had 'Neil Armstrong.'

Lianne was the only one to get her celebrity, but it raised some laughs and broke down the formal barriers.

We told the group the basic setup of PAL and what we hoped would happen. The second part of PAL was more small group discussions, I offered my advice to the best I could as regards to various questions etc.

I look forward to next week.

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