I spoke with my tutor Ray Spence at the end of Tuesday session and voiced my concerns about the pressure on me by taking the fashion shoot brief. Here is an email I've just sent suggesting that I might swap to documentary photography/fine art photography
At the end of tuesdays session I spoke to you about how under pressure I felt as regards to the fashion brief.It's not an easy decision as I would love to do the photography brief I just feel maybe I need some more practice. After all I've just moved from a graphics/illustration based course. The only experience working with models is two commissions I found.
I've been having a good think and an idea has popped into my head, now I'm unsure as to whether it would be fine art photography or documentary photography so I'll try and explain my idea as best I can.
Having not lived in a city before a lot of things are new to me, the over population is extremely prominent. Yet on a cycle back from Gosta green I noticed a strange a bizarre silence and lack of people.
So my idea is to take photographs in such a way as to portrait Birmingham as an empty ghost town. This could be done with actual single images (if lucky) or if not a placed tripod and multiple shots then use photoshop to piece together the photos without people in.
I've been thinking this would work best in black and white, as without colour it would feel very cold and isolated.
That just an initial idea I've been pondering.
So I ask the question again: would it be fine art photography or documentary photography?
I've CC'd Pod so hopefully he can maybe offer advice also.
Regards Daniel Hodson
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