DandAD - My Chosen Brief -1st December '08

Here is the brief I've chosen as copied from the .pdf

The brief
Tell a story through a photo-essay of five images that changes people’s perceptions of wealth and poverty.

- The world is marked by the widening gap between the rich and the poor. We are looking for work that changes the way that people think about wealth and poverty and that challenges the visual stereotypes associated with these notions and the gap between the two. Think about how your images will confront and upturn the traditional concepts of what it means to be wealthy or poverty stricken. You must communicate about it in a new way or say something original. Challenge the viewer to redefine the way they think. Think about what it really means to you and to others and the way that the concepts of wealth and poverty can dictate behaviour or marginalise groups of people.
- The photo-essay is a classic photographic format and certain elements must be present to make it successful. Think about the story you are telling and the structure of your narrative. As in any good story, pace, tone and point-of-view are key. Think about how you focus the viewer’s attention throughout. The judges will be looking for work that considers and uses all these elements.
- You may title your images if you wish and/or provide a short written narrative (no more than 150 words), but the main communication must come through your imagery.

Your photo-essay must consist of exactly 5 images.

PhotoVoice is an international charity whose mission is to bring about positive social change for marginalised communities by providing them with photographic training with which they can advocate, express themselves and generate income.

PhotoVoice projects empower some of the most disadvantaged groups in the world with photographic skills with the aim of helping them to transform their lives; assisting those who are traditionally the subjects of photography become its creators. PhotoVoice projects help support individuals and groups to develop a voice, and enable them to speak out about their challenges, concerns, hopes and fears. The photography created is used to challenge stereotypes and advocate for positive social change.

Further information

Work mounted on no more than five A3 boards

Brief set by
Katherine Howells, PhotoVoice

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